filipskizmz- welcome to my cyber space. Feast your eyes upon mythical imagery where none exists, Where word meets image in a drunken stupor of dance, broken glass, and childrens wonder. Where rules founder like a sapling in a thunderstorm and verb meets illusion only to be promptly beaten into submission by a big stick....or not. |
. My styling is spawned from DaDaism and the school of american abstract expressionists from the sixties. Childrens crayon drawings serve as a great learning tool A childs ability to capture the essence of freedom is priceless. I paint not because i love to paint but because I have to. It is my therapy. One cannot house demons without once and again letting them outside to play. 
Wallowing through withered gardens caressing the stench of loves decay a blackbird eyes me unblinking... |
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 | this page will be updated accordingly depending on personal output and occasional power outages. the reason being is that i live in florida and am subject to power surges and tequila invasions...the power outage has a tendancy tp damper production for obvious reasons...tequila has yet to let me down. |
nothing is new. its all the same old garbage. we color it up with smiles. throw a little beer on it and call it special. Its a wonderful life! I am only the messenger,they all cried, a single note melody in sordid hymn lanquidly floating across stagnant pools of purity of perdition.. 